Welcome to Hallvard Slettebø's
Personal Page
in Stavanger, Norway
(Me, myself and I :-) |
About myself
I am born in 1958, male, live with Ingrid in Stavanger, Norway. I lived the first 19 years of my life in Egersund, on the southwestern coast of Norway.
I am a retired Civil Engineer
In 1983, I graduated from the University of Trondheim - The Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH, today NTNU), with a M.Sc. degree in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. I have formerly worked for NTH, NGI (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute), Sokndal Municipality, Kværner (now part of Aker Solutions), JP Kenny (now part of Wood), and from 2003 to 2023 I worked with pipeline technology for Statoil / Equinor in Stavanger, Norway in a position as advisor within pipeline design.
I am a Rotarian since 1989, and a member of Hafrsfjord Rotary Club here in Stavanger. I was President of Gandsfjord Rotary Club in 1999-2000, and in 1992-93, I was President of Sokndal Rotary Club. Read more about Rotary International.
My main hobby is stamp collecting, where I specialize in Scouts on stamps. I have collected stamps for more than 50 years. There are no Scout stamp clubs in Norway, but I am member of several foreign clubs. I am also fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL), and I am their overseas representative for Norway. I was director of the Federation of Norwegian Philatelists 1997-2003. I also serve as juror at all levels of stamp exhibitions, and I was accredited as FIP Juror for Thematic Philately in 2010. The Stavanger area has several stamp collectors clubs, among them Stavanger Philatelic Society, of which I was President 1996-1999.
- Scouts on Stamps, that is boy scout and girl guide / girl scout philately, all world. I have exhibited "World Scouting" at several world stamp exhibitions from 1994 onwards. I have won three FIP large gold medals for this exhibit 2009-2006, and exhibited it in the Championship class at the 2018 FIP world stamp exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand. In 2012 this exhibit was invited to the Court of Honour at Indonesia 2012, truly a rare treat for a thematic exhibit.
- Local postal history from Dalane; the southern part of Rogaland county in southwestern Norway. At the Nordic (Scandinavian) stamp exhibition Nordia 2018 in Iceland, I won a gold medal for my Dalane exhibit. I have also edited two handbooks on the postmarks of Rogaland county, Poststemplene i Rogaland.
- Another collecting interest is Interrupted mail of Scandinavia. The scope of the exhibit is to document interruptions and damages to the mails through explanatory cachets, labels, notes and excuse letters. Included are all aspects of mail which for various reasons was delayed, damaged or interrupted. It was in many cases possible to recover some or even all of the mail being carried. The authorities would then typically apply a postal marking explaining the delay and damage to the recipient; enclose the letter in an ambulance cover if it was badly damaged, then send it along to the addressee or return it to the sender. Gold medal at the world stamp exhibition IBRA '09.
- I also collect Zeppelin - the Norway Connection; mail related to the postal connections between the German Zeppelin airships and Norway. The flights over Norway in 1930 with mail drops over Hammerfest and Bergen, and mail sent to or from Norway and carried by these airships 1928-1939. Gold medal at the world stamp exhibition Cape Town 2022.
- Norway in America, immigration to North America from Norway documented through post office names of Norwegian origin. Gold medal at national exhibition 2021.
- My philatlic exhibits are here.

Please note that I don't keep the stamps in my house,
so there is no reason to break in for stealing my stamps!

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