Welcome to
Hallvard Slettebø's
Personal Page

in Stavanger, Norway

Picture of me
(Me, myself and I :-)
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About myself

I am born in 1958, male, live with Ingrid in Stavanger, Norway. I lived the first 19 years of my life in Egersund, on the southwestern coast of Norway.

I am a retired Civil Engineer

In 1983, I graduated from the University of Trondheim - The Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH, today NTNU), with a M.Sc. degree in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. I have formerly worked for NTH, NGI (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute), Sokndal Municipality, Kværner (now part of Aker Solutions), JP Kenny (now part of Wood), and from 2003 to 2023 I worked with pipeline technology for Statoil / Equinor in Stavanger, Norway in a position as advisor within pipeline design.

I am a Rotarian since 1989, and a member of Hafrsfjord Rotary Club here in Stavanger. I was President of Gandsfjord Rotary Club in 1999-2000, and in 1992-93, I was President of Sokndal Rotary Club. Read more about Rotary International.

My main hobby is stamp collecting, where I specialize in Scouts on stamps. I have collected stamps for more than 50 years. There are no Scout stamp clubs in Norway, but I am member of several foreign clubs. I am also fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL), and I am their overseas representative for Norway. I was director of the Federation of Norwegian Philatelists 1997-2003. I also serve as juror at all levels of stamp exhibitions, and I was accredited as FIP Juror for Thematic Philately in 2010. The Stavanger area has several stamp collectors clubs, among them Stavanger Philatelic Society, of which I was President 1996-1999.

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Stamps are Fun!

Please note that I don't keep the stamps in my house,
so there is no reason to break in for stealing my stamps!

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This page is designed by Hallvard Slettebø. Please take a look at my homepage.
Please e-maiI me with questions, comments and suggestions for improvement: hallvard@slettebo.no
Text and Web Layout - Copyright © 1997-2023 Hallvard Slettebø.