"Service des Postes" - and Scouting

By Hallvard Slettebø

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Postal authorities usually send their mail free of charge. Such mail is usually inscribed (in the French language) "Service des Postes", "Official Free" or similar.
Sometimes there is a connection to Scouting on such mail. Examples are announcement of new Scout stamps, information about postal arrangements, or similar.


1947, postcard from the Postal authorities in Odense, Denmark, sent to the Post Office in Jennestad, Norway. "Postsag / Service des Postes" printed on front. The card informs that Det Danske Pigespejderkorps Førerblad (Journal for Danish Girl Guide leaders) no longer will be distributed vie Jennestad to one of the subscribers there.

1983, envelope used by St. George's Guilds Stamp Bank, Århus (a branch of IFOFSAG). Imprint Postsag (Postal Matter). These envelopes were used for mailing a commemorative sheet franked with the 1960 30 øre stamp depicting Queen Ingrid in Girl Guide uniform. Postmaster Lund in Århus permitted the use of envelopes with the Postal Matter imprint. He was afterwards criticized for this by his superiors because the postage it contained was a lot less than the 2.50 kr postage required for domestic letters up to 20 grammes.

1984, unused postcard from Denmark Post Philatelic Service, announcing the new Scout stamp,
which were to be issued on 12 April, 1984. ArGe Pfadfinder No. DK-P-001.

1984, unused postcard from Denmark Post Philatelic Service, who sent such cards to their customers so that they could send their own envelopes to the Philatelic Service for franking and first day canceling of the new Scout stamp. The customers would then fill in the form on the reverse and enclose it with their orders. Therefore, it is not very likely to find these cards in used condition from customers who actually ordered FDCs!


When an envelope contains other items with postage similar to the postage required for the outer envelope, then this outer envelope can be sent free of charge. Theoretically, such items can be found from any Post Office, including temporary Post Offices like those operating at a Scout camp. Three examples are shown here.

åsnes 1981, ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-106.

Starum 1982, ArGe Pfadfnder No. N-114.

Asker 1989, ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-134.


1982, postcard from the Swedish Post Museum in Stockholm, sent to customers. The postcard is an invitation to visit the Scout stamp exhibition at the museum. The exhibition was open 23 April to 31 May, 1982. The philatelic material was supplied by the well known Scout stamp collectors and exhibitors Åke Borell and Bengt Stigberth from Sweden. ArGe Pfadfinder No. S-P-001.

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