Postage Paid - Scout Mail - United States

By Hallvard Slettebø

1918, "This card can be mailed free" imprint. Postcard used for ordering War-Savings Stamps via the post office. Printed on red paper.
War-Savings stamps were issued by the United States Treasury Department to help fund participation in World War I and World War II.
The Boy Scouts were taking orders for War-Savings Stamps. Upon obtaining a citizen' s commitment to make a purchase, the scout would mail
the card which was pre-addressed to the local postmaster. The post office would arrange to deliver the stamps per the information on the card
and collect the money. The postcards would then be forwarded to the national scout headquarters in New York City to credit the effort of the scout.
TP McDermott's article in SOSSSI Journal May/June 2002.

Same as the red card above, but printed on orange-brown paper. Two different printings are seen, the one above is same as the red card.
The card below has a different text in centre. The reverse of both these is the same as for the red card.

Envelope with Postage Paid imprint, probably used late 1920's or early 1930's (Sec. 435 went into effect from 1928).
Permit No. 18, used by Boy Scouts of America, Rutland VT.

Three envelopes with Postage Paid imprint, from top to bottom probably used 1928, 1929 and 1930.
Permit No. 7877, New York, N.Y., Used by Girl Scouts National Headquarters, 670 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y.

1933, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 79, Schenectady, N.Y.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Schenectady Council, Schenectady, N.Y.

Unknown year, 1930's?, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 15, Bloomington, Ill.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, the Corn Belt Council, Bloomington, Ill.

Unknown year, 1930's?, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 3794, New York, N.Y.
Used by Boy Scouts of America national headquarters, New York, N.Y.

1942 (date of contents), Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 795, Providence, Rhode Island.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Narragansett Council, Providence, R.I.

Unknown year, 1940's?, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 110, Oklahoma City, OK.
Used by Boy Scouts of America Last Frontier Council, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Unknown year, 1950's?, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 665, Philadelphia, PA.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Philadelphia Council, Philadelphia, PA.

Probably 1952 or 1958 (Dec 18 was a Thursday in those years), Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 243, Albuquerque, NM.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Kit Carson Council, Albuquerque, NM.

1959, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 440, Milwaukee, WI.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Milwaukee Co. Council, Milwaukee, WI.

About 1960, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 67, Akron, OH.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Akron Area Council, Akron, OH.

Used ahead of an August 1960 event, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 332, Rochester, MN.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Gamehaven Council, Rochester, MN.

January 1961, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 4843, Chicago, IL.
Used by Boy Scouts of America, Chicago Council, Chicago, IL.

1964, POSTAGE AND FEES PAID imprint. Used by Boy Scouts of America, Transatlantic Council.
They could send their mail free of charge because they were under the umbrella of the armed forces.

1964, imprint: Second class postage paid at Grand Rapids, Mich.
Used by Grand Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America, Grand Rapids, MI.

1965, Postage and Fees Paid imprint.
Used by the Department of the Army, Transatlantic Council, Boy Scouts of America, APO 403, US Forces.

Unknown year, 1960's?, Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 2084, Manchester, N.H.
Used by Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America, Manchester, N.H.

Used approx. 1969-1972 (based on the period when the Boypower Manpower logo was used in meter slogans).
Postage Paid imprint. Permit No. 118, Pasadena, California.
Used by the San Gabriel Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America, Pasadena, CA.

c.1970-1975, Postage Paid imprint, Minneapolis, MN, Permit No. 1451.
Used by Scout Memorabilia, edited by Harry D. Thorsen, Minneapolis, MN.

October 1972, Postage and Fees Paid imprint.
Used by the Department of the Army, Transatlantic Council, Boy Scouts of America, APO US Forces 09102.

1975, Postage and Fees Paid imprint, Philadelphia, PA, Permit No. 665.
Used by the Unami Lodge, Philadelphia Council, Boy Scouts of America, Philadelphia, PA.

February 1976, Postage Paid with business reply envelope addressed to Harry Thorsen.
Used by Boys' Life, Boy Scouts of America, North Brunswick, NJ 08902

1999, Postage & Fees Paid imprint.

Unknown year, Paid imprint, Redlands Calif. Permit No. 268.
Used by California Inland Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America, Redlands, CA.

Unknown year, Paid imprint, Stony Point, N.Y. Permit No. 31.
Used by Rockland County Council, Boy Scouts of America, Stony Point, N.Y.

Unknown year, Paid imprint, Van Nuys, Calif. Permit No. 54.
Used by San Fernando Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America, Van Nuys, CA.

Unknown year, Paid imprint, Camarillo, Calif., Permit No. 66.
Used by Ventura County Council, Boy Scouts of America, Camarillo, CA.

2005, Postcard mailed by SOSSI just after the hurricane Katrina events.

Unknown year, boxed imprint "SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT / WATERLOO, WISCONSIN 53594".
Used by Boys' Life Magazine, National Office, Boy Scouts of America.

Mailing of the SOSSI Journal has given us many Postage Paid imprints,
some were printed on envelopes and some were printed on the reverse of the Journal.

1957, Postage Paid imprint "BULK RATE / U.S. POSTAGE / PAID / BUFFALO N.Y. / PERMIT 3888".

Until 1977, the SOSSI Journal was mailed in envelopes. From June, 1977 onwards, the envelope was eliminated for U.S. members, and a Postage Paid imprint was printed on the reverse of the Jornal, and space for address labels were allotted.

June 1977 - May 1978, Postage Paid imprint, Bulk rate, Permit No. 130, Hicksville, NY.

June 1978 - November 1984, Postage Paid imprint, Bulk rate, Permit No. 453, Flushing, NY.

January 1985 - December 1998, Postage Paid imprint, Bulk rate, Permit No. 2747, Charlotte, NC.
Usually printed in black, but green colour has also been used.
The frame around the Postage Paid imprint varies in size and shape, and the line thickness varies.

The use of Postage Paid imprints directly on the Journal was discontinued from January 1999,
and resumed from March/April 2002.

March/April 2002 - ongoing, Postage Paid imprint, Permit No. 2747, Charlotte, NC.
The bulk rate is now replaced by "PRST STD".

1990's envelope, the Postage Paid imprint includes "FIRST CLASS MAIL". Permit No. 2747, Charlotte NC. Surface mail, printed matter.

1990's envelope as above, but without "FIRST CLASS MAIL" in imprint text. Note official "POSTAGE VERIFIED" cachet.

1990's? envelope as above, envelope without Surface Mail printed.
Underneath the meter sticker is a Postage Paid imprint as above, but "BULK RATE" printed at top.

1990's? envelope as above, has Air Mail label.

1990's? envelope as above, but Air Mail printed.

late 1990's? envelope as above, but Postage Paid imprint with "FIRST STD".

2003 envelope as above, but Postage Paid imprint says "FIRST STD", amended and added "LETTER POST".

1990's? - 2005 envelope as above, but Postage Paid imprint with "LETTER POST".

From March/April 2005 to Nov/Dec 2007, envelope as above, new sender's address.

From Jan/Feb 2008 to date, envelope as above, new wider printing without "CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED".

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