Business Reply Mail - Scout Mail - Norway

By Hallvard Slettebø

General information:

The License numbers consists of two parts. The first part identifies the post office, and the last part is the license or agreement number for this post office. The six-digits post office unit numbers were introduced October 1, 1976, but forms with the three-digits numbers were almost assuredly used after that - possibly until stocks with old numbers were used up.
It seems that the agreement number changed from year to year, at least in some cases (e.g. License No. 110 000).

Norway, License No. 018 / 19.
ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-F-003
Used by Norges KFUM-Speidere, Oslo (Norwegian YMCA Boy Scout Association).

Postcard with gift form on reverse: "Jeg vil gjerne tegne meg for
et bidrag til Norges KFUM-Speidere.". Unknown year (pre-1977).

Norway, License No. 019 / 65.
ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-F-001

Used by Norsk Speidergutt-Forbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout Association).

Postcard with Gilwell course application form on reverse. Unknown year (pre-1977).

Norway, License No. 110 000 / 101.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Envelope, 1985.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1987.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1987, however used November 1988!

Norway, License No. 110 000 / 103.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1985.
Note misprinted License number "11 000" for "110 000".

Norway, License No. 110 000 / 113.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1986.

Norway, License No. 110 000 / 134.
ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-F-002
Used by Norsk Speiderguttforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout Association).

Postcard with Gilwell course application form on reverse (1977-1978).

Norway, License No. 110 000 / 143 / H.
ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-F-004
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1981. Two paper colours are recorded.

Norway, License No. 110 000 / 146.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1988.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1989.

Postcard from a recruitment brochure, probably late 1980's or early 1990's.
Includes the text Ja, vi vil bli speidere! (Yes, we want to become Scouts!).

Norway, License No. 120 000 / 10 H.
Used by Aftenposten, Oslo (Newspaper).

Postcard for subscribing to the Aftenposten newspaper morning issue, 1990.

One of the newspapers depicted to the left shows the logo for the NSF National Boy Scout and Girl Guide camp at
Skaugum, and the text Speiderne skal ut i skog og mark: Ildprøven! (The Scouts are out in the field: Roughing it!).
This newspaper is the Aftenposten evening issue of August 8, 1989.

Norway, License No. 120 000 / 28 PB.
Used by Den norske Creditbank, Oslo (Bank).

Advertisement in "Fløteren" No. 1/1980, newspaper for the NSF National Boy Scout and
Girl Guide camp at Solør, 1981 (pre-camp issue, enclosure to the leader magazine "Lederen" No 7/1980).
Includes the text: Jeg ønsker å åpne DnC startkonto for speidere (I'd like to open a bank account for Scouts).

Norway, License No. 120 000 / 184F
Used by UNI Storebrand, Elverum (Insurance company).

The license number possibly belonged to the company's head office in Oslo.

Mr Reidar Quande, Elverum, was the insurance company's contact person for Scout units. Later on he moved to Fagernes (see License No. 208 110 / 45). The company offered travel insurance for Scouts and general insurance for Scout units' equipment. Includes the text: Troppens navn (Troop name), and Troppslederens navn og adresse (Troop leader's name and address).

Norway, License No. 129 000 / 19 PB.
Used by Norges KFUM-Speidere, Oslo (Norwegian YMCA Boy Scouts).

Postcard with application form for various courses on reverse. These are recorded:
- Jeg melder meg på ... Postgiro 2 20 53 59 (approx. 1985)
- Jeg melder meg på ... Postgiro 0802 2205359 (approx. 1989)
- Påmelding til sentrale arrangementer (approx. 1989)
- Påmelding til sentrale arrangementer ... Videregående ledertrening 1989

Postcard with lifetime membership application form on reverse.

Norway, License No. 140 212 - 373 omd.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 2001.

Norway, License No. 144 000 / 91 Omd.
Used by Speider-Sport A/L, Oslo (Scout Shop).

Postcard for ordering articles from the Scout Shop. Advertisement in "Speideren" No. 2/1984
(printed in black and blue on white paper). Note the Scout Badge in the "stamp" imprint.

Norway, License No. 144 000 / 159 Omd.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1990.

Postcard used in connection with Scout Aid (Fund raising for the kurds), 1991.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1991.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1992.

Norway, License No. 144 000 / 160 Omd.
Used by Speider-Sport A/L, Oslo (Scout Shop).

Postcard for ordering Christmas gifts from the Scout Shop, from the brochure
Julegavetips fra Speider-Sport (Christmas present tips from the Scout Shop), 1991.

Postcard for ordering articles from the Scout Shop. The form was printed in various brochures, and in advertisements in "Speideren" No. 1/1992 through 3/1996. The text varies slightly, as does the paper colour and quality.
Post office Egertorget is seen in 1992, and post office Sentrum is seen in 1994-1995 (same License No.).

Norway, License No. 150 000 / 359 Omd.
Used by Speider-Sport A/L, Oslo (Scout Shop).

Postcard for ordering articles from the Scout Shop. From a brochure for tents, 1990's.

Postcard for ordering articles from the Scout Shop. The form was printed in various brochures (e.g. brochure for articles
from the 1993 NSF National Boy Scout and Girl Guide camp at Eidskog), and in advertisement in "Speideren" No. 1/1997.

Postcard for ordering articles from the Scout Shop. From a brochure issued prior to
the national Boy Scout and Girl Guide camp at Austrått, 1997.

Norway, License No. 150 000 / 373 Omd.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1993. Misprint 1994 on reverse.

From a brochure used in connection with sales campaign for Kristin and Håkon,
the two mascots for the Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer, 1994.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1994.
Two varieties are recorded, one with and one without the Scout badge, and differences in text font type.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1995, from brochure.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1995, from a regular issue of "Speideren".

Envelope, used 1996.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1996.

Envelope, approx. 2000.

Norway, License No. 171 210 / 8 omd.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 2000.

Norway, License No. 171 210 / 133 Omd.
Used by Norsk Speidermuseum, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Museum).

Postcard for membership application, 1997.

Norway, License No. 171 210 / 359.
Used by Speider-Sport A/L, Oslo (Scout Shop).

Postcard for ordering articles from the Scout Shop. From the brochure
Trykksaker Tips Bøker Ideer (Pamphlets Hints Books Ideas), 1998.

Norway, License No. 171 210 / 373 omd.
Used by Norges speiderforbund, Oslo (Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association).

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1997.

Postcard, reminder for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1997.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1998.

Questionnaire for feedback from the autumn hike, 1999. Two similar forms were printed on A4 size paper.

Postcard for Scout Groups to order the Christmas issue of "Speideren" 1999.

Norway, License No. 175 110 / 13
Used by Hippocampus, Larvik (The company produces and distributes Norwegian educational movies).

Postcard for ordering the movie Når sekundene teller (When the seconds counts), a movie about life saving first aid.
Includes the text Navn/Speidergruppe (Name/Scout Group). From a brochure in A4 format, probably distributed as an
attachment to "Speideren", the Journal for the Norwegian Boy Scout and Girl Guide Association, probably late 1990's.

Norway, License No. 208 110 / 45
Used by UNI Storebrand, Fagernes (Insurance company).

From a brochure for Europeiske reiseforsikring (European Travel Insurance), probably used prior to the national Scout camp at Eidskog, 1993. The insurance company's contact person for Scout units was Mr Reidar Quande. He moved to Fagernes from Elverum (see License No. 120 000 / 184F).
The company offered travel insurance for Scouts and general insurance for Scout units' equipment.
Includes the text: Troppens navn (Troop name), and Troppslederens navn og adresse (Troop leader's name and address).

Norway, License No. 413 000 / 612 Pb.
ArGe Pfadfinder No. N-F-005
Used by Norsk Speiderfilateli, Stavanger (Spiva-Fil, Norwegian Scout Philatelic Group).

Postcard (cut from A4 brochure) for ordering Scout philatelic items, issued c. 1983.
Printed on yellow or green paper.

Norway, License No. 617 000 / 15.
Used by Ålesund kommune, Ålesund (Municipality of Ålesund).

Electricity invoice for the Scout house in Spjelkavik, winter 2000.
The data processing of invoices allows production of unique items like this.

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